Kojima tweets Zone of the Enders 3D image
Zone of the Enders fans are in an absolute froth over a photo containing a reference to a 3DS adaptation of the Kojipro series.
Wandering around the Kojima Productions office, Metal Gear Solid and Zone of the Enders creator Hideo Kojima took a few snapshots of staffer decorations.
At the desk of designer Takihiro Omori, Kojima shared the photo below, tweeting mysteriously, "What's this?"
You'll note the words "Z.O.E. 3DS" behind the figure. Go crazy, or stoically decide it might just be an abandoned concept. Your call.
Kojima's other photos showed a document cover pertaining to the Zone of the Enders HD collection, a page from a manga, and some old Boktai concept art.
Thanks, Andriasang.