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Ancel: No Beyond Good and Evil 2 this generation

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still in development, series creator Michel Ancel has said, but it will skip the current line of hardware platforms.

At a Ubisoft dinner last night at E3, Ancel said that BG&E2 will skip this gen due to his work on Rayman Origins.

"It is still alive and we are very far [into] development so we can't go back now,: said Ancel. "We are targeting the next generation of consoles."

Beyond Good and Evil 2 was announced back at Ubidays 2008 with a small teaser, but nothing has been seen on the game since then.

Rayman Origins was demoed earlier this evening by Ancel during the Ubisoft E3 press conference. Get more details on that here.


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