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Beyond Good & Evil HD, Torchlight join Xbox Live Arcade House Party


Following its CES 2011 press event, Microsoft decided to crank the excitement up by announcing the Xbox Live Arcade House Party. The event brings with it five new downloadable releases, the cream of which is indubitably the classic Beyond Good & Evil HD and addictive Torchlight.

The House Party kicks off on February 16th with the release of Hard Corps Uprising, ARC System Works's run-and-gun prequel to the Contra series.

Four other titles will follow over the next few weeks, although the order and timing are unknown, and no indication of price point was given.

Beyond Good & Evil HD spruces up Ubisoft's classic adventure, while Torchlight marks the first console port of indie Runic's best-selling Diablo-clone.

Bejeweled Blitz arrives for the socially conscious casual kind, and Full House Poker is ... well, it's poker, isn't it, but as well as playing on your Xbox 360, you can carry games and progress over to the Windows Phone version.

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