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Rockstar teases Undead Nightmare Pack for Red Dead Redemption


Rockstar has sent over an image for Red Dead Redemption, teasing the western's forthcoming Undead Nightmare DLC.

It's posted in full below.

Our hero, John Marston, sure looks a bit worse for wear doesn't he?

Screens for the new DLC are scheduled to hit tomorrow, and a trailer showcasing the new DLC is slated for Thursday.

We'll post everything we can get our hands on for you here, so you don't have to go scrounging around for it yourself.

No exact date yet, but we’ve heard rumblings it will be released the week of Halloween on PSN and XBL.

We’ll just have to wait and see what Rockstar says about that this week, though. Until then, you can always amuse yourself by playing Liars and Cheaters.

rdr - undead nightmare teaser

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