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Amazon France lists FFvXIII 360, Uncharted 3, Quantic Dream's Horizon


Not content with listing the Team ICO Collection yesterday, Amazon France has gone rumour-mental today, posting pages for Final Fantasy Versus XIII for 360, Uncharted 3 and Horizon, the supposed new title from Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream.

Versus XIII is officially a PS3 exclusive so far, but it's not the first time its single platform has been brought into question. Square Enix president Yoichi Wada said last month that a 360 version was being "looked into."

He later said that the comment shouldn't be taken too seriously.

Versus XIII's big brother, FFXIII, went multi-plat at E3 two years ago, having previously been a PS3 exclusive.

As for Uncharted 3, nothing has been said of the Naughty Dog actioner by either developer or publisher Sony, although voice actor of main character Nathan Drake, Nolan North, did say it would be "common sense" for it to happen.

Finally, back at the start of this month, VG247 sources revealed that Quantic Dream boss David Cage was currently hiring for actors for Horizon, following on from the surprising success of Heavy Rain earlier this year.

Cage said back at GDC this year that the story for his next game was already written

He also ruled out any chance of a Heavy Rain sequel back in February.

The Amazon listing says the title will be Sony-published, as we were told.

Just in case the listings are pulled, we've screen-capped them below. Because we love you.

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