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Miyamoto: Pikmin wasn't at E3 for a reason


Shigeru Miyamoto has said, once again, that Pikmin 3 is still in the works, and there is a reason it was not shown at E3 this year.

Speaking at a panel during E3 this evening, Miyamoto said that when Pikmin 3 is shown, he wants all eyes on it and nothing else, basically.

He didn't want to show Pikmin 3 here because he wants people to focus on it and there was a lot of "other stuff here that may have stolen its thunder".

"Rest assured", said Miyamoto, "we are making Pikmin".

So, there you have it. Still in the works. Didn't want 3DS, Zelda, or anything else stealing the spotlight.

You can sleep well now, pretties.

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