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Kinect pricing to be revealed closer to November launch in Europe and US


Microsoft's Chris Lewis has said pricing for Kinect will be announced closer to the controller's launch.

He also said that Europe's getting the device in November as well.

Speaking with VG247 at E3, Lewis would not confirm the $189.00 price point rumored earlier in the week, and said that he had not heard the rumor of two skus for it either.

"We will obviously announce [the price] little bit closer to the launch date – and I am pleased to say that in Europe it will also get a November launch right across the key markets, which is great," he said.

"We’re making sure of that as Don (Mattrick) is very fixated on synchronizing this and making sure that Europe is absolutely instep with the US and other parts of the globe. That’s one thing.

"To your question about the price, we’re not saying exactly when, but be very comforted that it will be a great value. We know that’s important. It has to be. So, we haven’t said yet when we’ll come out with a price point but it will be in a timely way, for retail to have a plan for the consumers to be able to plan the expenditure".

When asked about the rumored $189 price point, Lewis reiterated the company's plan for the price reveal.

"I understand your appetite to understand the price, but all I will say to you again, is that we will offer great value," he said. "We need to do that in particular to this audience that we are aspiring to appeal to and we know that we have to resonate well there. And our track record over the past ten years – I hope has proven to people that we have an appetite to remain competitive. I mean, we have to.

"The economics are good, of c0urse, but we think we are offering a great technology based experience that I think will carry a lot of enthusiasm – and people are prepared to pay for great experiences".

"But it will be great value. I cannot comment on the numbers you just articulated, but I think you’ll be very happy when you hear our plans".

November then.

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