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Rumor: Epic Mickey revamped, to be re-unveiled at E3


Oh Mickey's concept art, you so fine. You so fine you blow our minds. Hey Mickey's concept art! Hey Mickey's concept art!

Your actual screenshots, on the other hand, not so much.

Fortunately, the "rubbery" look - that, instead of wowing potential players, "wait, seriously?"-ed them - has been taken out back and mercifully stabbed in the gut 47 times. Or something. Regardless, it's apparently gone now. Instead, according to French site GameKyo (as translated by GoNintendo),  Epic Mickey will sport a steampunky graphical style more in line with the original concept art.

The newly made-over Epic Mickey will allegedly take its first stroll down the catwalk at E3. Here's hoping, however, that doesn't put Irrationally Angry Bunny (as seen in the above screenshot) out of a job. We've grown strangely fond of him and his giant face.

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