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EA: Natal, Move could be used for FIFA mini-games


FIFA World Cup 2010 producer Simon Humbler has told VG247 that future FIFA titles could use Natal and PlayStation Move, but only for any mini-games.

Speaking to us at a media event for the latest World Cup title last week in Guildford, Humbler said that both pieces of motion-controlled tech would be "hard to integrate" as a full control system.

"Whenever any of these peripherals come out we think about what it could add to the football experience," he said. "I think the hard thing in respect of Sony’s device, which has comparisons to the Nintendo Wii device, is that the type of football you can provide for this isn’t particularly authentic.

"As you can see from our Wii version, the game is a lot arcadeier, with the big gestures and actions. I think there is a different experience there waiting to be uncovered, perhaps, but personally I think it is hard to integrate that into our football game."

He further added: "What you could do potentially is add mini games with penalties and the like, but other than that I’m not sure what else you could do."

Check out some impressions for it here. Our full interview with Humbler is here.

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