Uncharted 2 getting Killzone, Resistance multiplayer skin DLC
SCEJ's announced that Uncharted 2's multiplayer will be getting new DLC in the form of multiplayer skins from other first-party games, including Killzone 2, inFamous and Resistance.
All of the above will land next week, along with a demo for the game.
It's unclear as to exactly what's going to release globally and what isn't, so we're checking now.
There are some shots of the skins over at Siliconera.
On February 25, a second additional pack will be released two multiplayer maps, one from Drake's Fortune, with more Uncharted multiplayer skins.
And on April 15, a third pack of DLC will be released, which includes multiplayer co-op for the Asian territories, more multiplayer skins and four new maps.