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Epic boss: There is no 10-year plan for Gears of War


Epic VP Mark Rein has told VG247 that there is no "ten-year plan" in place for the Gears of War franchise, despite comments to the contrary made by Gears 2 writer Josh Ortega at Comic Con last weekend.

"No, we do not," Rein said when asked if Epic had a franchise roadmap up to 2016.

"In this industry you can't plan games very far in advance. We appreciate the enthusiasm Josh has for our franchise but we don't have a ten-year plan.

"We always have ideas of where we'd like it to go but it's determined on a game-by-game basis and ultimately by fan support. Our focus right now is supporting the Gears of War 2 game and community."

Ortega told a panel at New York Comic Con that, “You will not be disappointed in the next ten years... It’s a ten-year plan. Gears is long-term. The lancer is the new lightsaber.”

Rein begged to differ today, saying there Epic has no scheme in place for Gears beyond the current hardware generation.

"No, absolutely not," he said if 'next gen' Gears products were on the slate.

"We're working on the next title update for Gears of War 2 right now. When this title update is done we'll start planning the next title update for Gears of War 2."

Best curb that enthusiasm, Josh. Take the hint.

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